Why Do You Fear Applying For Jobs?

Why Do You Fear Applying For Jobs? Here’s the truth. When you see a position that you know would be amazing, you get excited for a moment… until your brain slams on the breaks. What if I’m not good enough? What if I get the job and fail? Will I just be wasting my time?  Your brain is hard-wired to protect you; to keep you from harm. As soon as it detects something dangerous or unknown, your brain’s mission is to prevent action to keep you safe. Unfortunately, preventing action is not necessarily the [...]

Why Do You Fear Applying For Jobs?2021-10-21T14:48:21+00:00

How to Answer “Tell me About Yourself” and Wow Employers!

How to Answer "Tell me About Yourself" and Wow Employers! Interviews are daunting - there's no doubt! I've worked with hundreds of clients preparing for interviews, and the "Tell Me About Yourself" is the question that trips people up the most. It's extremely open-ended, which is why employers love asking it! They want to see what you come up with. This is often the first question in the interview, and it can set the entire stage for what's to come. So how can you nail this question and wow an employer at the start [...]

How to Answer “Tell me About Yourself” and Wow Employers!2021-10-21T14:50:30+00:00

Determining Your “Power” Strengths

Determining Your "Power" Strengths Why is it so challenging to come up with our own strengths? We should know ourselves better than anyone - and yet we've been trained not to brag and not to "toot our own horn." However, in the career world - and during interviews - this is exactly what we need to get ahead. The good news is there are great tools out there. My favorite assessment is the StrengthsFinder. I am a Certified Strengths Coach, and I want to help you confidently communicate the POWER of your strengths. There [...]

Determining Your “Power” Strengths2021-10-21T14:54:19+00:00

Evaluating & Negotiating Job Offers Confidently!

Evaluating & Negotiating Job Offers Confidently! We all like to envision that moment when we have a job offer in hand. It is an exciting time; a moment to be celebrated! But alas - this is not the end of the road. I am writing this blog post because this is a topic I have helped many of my clients with, and I know how anxiety provoking it can be to negotiate a higher salary. Before accepting (or rejecting) a job offer, it's important to take two crucial steps: 1). Ask yourself: "Is this [...]

Evaluating & Negotiating Job Offers Confidently!2021-10-21T14:11:14+00:00

Imposter Syndrome – Use It To Your Advantage!

Imposter Syndrome - Use It To Your Advantage! Imposter Syndrome is the feeling that you will be found out as a "fraud", that you are not good enough, and that you don't deserve what you've been offered. This feeling is especially common among high achievers and among women. If you've ever had this feeling - you are certainly not alone. It is estimated that 70% of individuals possess this nagging sense that they aren't qualified for the work they're doing. This feeling becomes especially pronounced when it comes to making any [...]

Imposter Syndrome – Use It To Your Advantage!2021-10-21T14:15:45+00:00

The Power of Acceptance

The Power of Acceptance Every day, we find ourselves in frustrating and uncomfortable situations. Maybe we're stuck in traffic, feeling overworked, or received a rejection email from a job opportunity.  For the past 5 months, my main frustration point has been severe insomnia. Out of nowhere, I seemed to lose the ability to sleep. I would stay awake in bed for hours - often until 3 or 4 in the morning - to then roll out of bed and go to work 3-4 hours later. Every night I would fight it, and if I [...]

The Power of Acceptance2021-11-19T21:34:56+00:00

Assessing Your Career Confidence

Assess Your Career Confidence Have you ever wondered why some people are so confident in themselves and in their abilities, while others are not? We all struggle with confidence to some degree; especially when it comes to the job search. Suddenly, the spotlight is on you, and it is up to you to express why a future employer should choose you over other candidates. What if you don't believe that you deserve to be chosen? This belief can greatly hinder your ability to demonstrate your value and clearly articulate your strengths in an interview. In this blog post, I have included a [...]

Assessing Your Career Confidence2021-08-04T17:43:14+00:00

5 Must Do Steps to Interview with Confidence

5 Must Do Steps to Interview with Confidence Wouldn't it be wonderful to walk into that next interview with confidence, a smile on your face, and a clear answer to the question "why should we choose you?" The truth is that YOU have a lot to offer, and the most challenging part of an interview is communicating your value clearly and effectively with employers. In the below steps, you will learn how to successfully prepare for the interview process and develop an unwavering sense of your talents so that you can wow employers and land that job! Get the full guide [...]

5 Must Do Steps to Interview with Confidence2021-08-04T17:57:28+00:00

Why a leaf?

Why a Leaf? If you've looked over my website and logo, you may have wondered - why is there a leaf and what does this mean? Well, I'm glad you asked! Finding career success (or success in life for that matter) is all about the small habits and daily choices you make. It's about making a "change", and a leaf is the ultimate representation of this. A leaf changes color, it falls from the tree, it grows anew. The phrase "Turn Over A New Leaf" represents taking action in a different way and making changes in your life for the better. [...]

Why a leaf?2021-01-02T04:28:18+00:00

Welcome to the Career Confidence & Clarity Blog!

Welcome to the Career Confidence & Clarity Blog! Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Leigh Mascolino and I am the Founder of Career Confidence & Clarity. I was inspired to begin this business because I wanted to work with clients on their career search and see true transformation occur over time. In my day job, with a caseload of 1000+ students, I would meet with a student only once or twice, and then I wouldn't know what occurred after that. I saw many clients struggle with self-confidence, and I became passionately committed to addressing this area in my [...]

Welcome to the Career Confidence & Clarity Blog!2021-01-02T04:36:24+00:00
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