Determining Your “Power” Strengths


Determining Your "Power" Strengths Why is it so challenging to come up with our own strengths? We should know ourselves better than anyone - and yet we've been trained not to brag and not to "toot our own horn." However, in the career world - and during interviews - this is exactly what we need to get ahead. The good news is there are great tools out there. My favorite assessment is the StrengthsFinder. I am a Certified Strengths Coach, and I want to help you confidently communicate the POWER of your strengths. There [...]

Determining Your “Power” Strengths2021-10-21T14:54:19+00:00

Why a leaf?


Why a Leaf? If you've looked over my website and logo, you may have wondered - why is there a leaf and what does this mean? Well, I'm glad you asked! Finding career success (or success in life for that matter) is all about the small habits and daily choices you make. It's about making a "change", and a leaf is the ultimate representation of this. A leaf changes color, it falls from the tree, it grows anew. The phrase "Turn Over A New Leaf" represents taking action in a different way and making changes in your life for the better. [...]

Why a leaf?2021-01-02T04:28:18+00:00
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